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25% off Pratley Adhesives, Garden & Landscaping 🌱
Workshop in Arkansas October 15th!

Workshop in Arkansas October 15th!

LITTLE ROCK–The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program will host free cemetery preservation workshos in Lamar during October, AHPP Director Frances McSwain announced today.

Monuments conservator Jonathan Appell will lead a workshop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 15, at Brown Cemetery on Arkansas Highway 359 at Lamar. The workshop will focus on how to clean, re-set and repair tombstones, as well as instructions on cemetery maintenance, suitable cleaning products and proper techniques to use. Appell will also speak on cemetery preservation at the Johnson County Historical Society at 131 Main Street in Clarksville at 6 p.m. on Friday, October 14.

Registration is limited to 40 people per workshop, and lunch will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring knee pads, gloves and hats.

To register for a workshop, or for more information, contact Holly Hope at (501) 324-9880, write her at 1100 North Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, or send an e-mail message to her at


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