RX34 Trash & Dumpster Cleaner - Odor Counteractant
RX34 Trash & Dumpster Cleaner - Odor Counteractant
RX 34 is a concentrated, heavy duty degreaser fortified with surfactants, orange oil solvent and Airicide®. Its efficiency as both a degreaser and odor counteractant makes it ideal for cleaning in and around compactors, dumpsters, rendering trucks, refuse containers, trash chutes, etc. It can be foamed on or diluted into buckets or sprayers for manual application.
Effective against grease, oil & heavy soils
When used with our companion garbage and dumpster cleaning products, RX 30 Deodorizer Degreaser and RX 31 Super Sorbent, you have the answer to the worst odor and cleaning situations. RX 34 Dumpster & Chute Cleaner, when combined with our RX Foamer Dispensor offers automatic dilution and no touch chemical connection. Just hook up the water and foam product onto the surface to be cleaned.