Wood-Epoxy Repairs
Wood-Epoxy Repairs
Author: John Leeke - American Preservationeer
31 pages
33 illustrations
Wood-Epoxy Repairs for Exterior Woodwork. Stabilize and save deteriorated exterior woodwork with long-lasting wood-epoxy repairs. Restore and strengthen deteriorated wood by applying liquid epoxy resins which solidify within the wood and fill voids. Wood-epoxy repairs complement traditional repair methods and modern part replacement. They save time and money when you know how and where to use them. This report covers how wood decays, epoxy materials and methods, tool kits, safety, and alternate materials and methods. 33 illustrations, 3 methods, 1 step-by-step procedure, 31 pages, (color cover, black & white inside, paperback bound).
Includes sections on understanding wood technology and important health and safety updates.
(included in Compendium above)