Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer
Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer
An environmentally friendly option for a hand rubbed, tung oil wood finish.
Our Botanical line uses the same polymerization process as all of our Tung Oil wood finishes, however the solvent used is our proprietary, all botanical, citrus solvent, DiCitrusol™. This formulation contains no petroleum solvents and is a low VOC product.
Our Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer is formulated as a penetrating base coat made with our Polymerized Tung Oil to condition your wood in preparation for finish.
Our Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer can also be added to any of our Old World Concentrated Stains to lower the color saturation of the stain.
Our Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil Sealer can also be used on roughhewn timbers and mantles to enhance the grain and color of the wood without creating a “finished look”. Perfect for timber frames applications.