Millie's All-Purpose Penetrating Tung Oil
Sutherland Welles Ltd. Millie's All-Purpose Penetrating Tung Oil
Millie’s All-Purpose Penetrating Tung Oil is a part of the Botanical line of tung oil wood finishes.
Containing no chemical driers, Millie’s is food safe, low VOC, and our only oil formulation that allows a matte sheen. The combination of beeswax and Polymerized Tung Oil create a classic “butcher block”, food safe wood finish.
Product Description
Millie’s has no chemical driers and is made using our Botanical Tung Oil and beeswax. The absence of driers make the finish our most eco friendly and user friendly product. It has a radically different application process in that the goal is completely saturate the wood pore with multiple applications that don’t require any cure time in between, when to reapply another coat is determined by when the wood has absorbed the previous coat. Most wood species require three applications to completely saturate the wood with the active application process taking only two days. Each application will take longer for the wood to absorb than the previously applied coat. The beeswax in the formulation has multiple purposes. During application it coats the wood pore allow the oil to fill the pore, not clog the pore as most wood finishes do. Once the wood is completely saturated, the beeswax acts as a barrier to keep the oil from mixing with the ambient air to harden the Tung Oil. This allows the fully saturated Tung Oil to be buffed off the surface. The beeswax helps create the beautiful low sheen with a super smooth feel. Once the finish is completely buffed off, Tung Oil needs about three days to cure before use.
Millie’s is the perfect finish for wood cooking utensils, bowls and butcher blocks that you cut on. Millie’s is also used by bowl turners who turn green wood. The piece is turned and Millie’s is applied and it’s placed in a paper bag to dry. Millie’s allows the moisture in the green wood to gently release without stressing the wood fibers that often create checking and cracking in the drying process.
Solid: Polymerized Tung Oil & Beeswax (No chemical driers added)
Solvent: DiCitrusol™ (Citrus based solvent)
Average Finish Longevity: 3 years
Spot Repairable: Yes
Sheen: Matte sheen only
Coverage: (per gallon)
Coat 1= 600sqf
Coat 2= 800sq
Coat 3= 1000 sqft
Dry Time: No dry time in between coats.
- wood species
- applications method
- weather conditions 55-75ºF
- temperature change during curing process
- humidity 65% or less
Best used for