Murdoch’s Hard Oil
Sutherland Welles Ltd. Murdoch's Hard Oil
Murdoch’s Hard Oil is another polymerized tung oil-resin hybrid finish.
Murdoch’s Hard Oil contains a higher percentage of resin than Murdoch’s Hard Sealer, offering more protection and durability and can be used as wiping topcoat over our Murdoch’s Hard Sealer.
For most projects, the process starts with the Murdoch’s Hard Sealer as the base coats followed by two coats of the Murdoch’s Hard Oil. The entire process can be applied via a wiping technique which keeps the sheen lower and is perfect when finishing in a very dusty environment.
Product Description
The higher resin content in the Murdoch’s Hard Oil topcoat will provide more protection to the surface than if using the Murdoch’s Hard Sealer alone.
The higher resin content of our Murdoch’s Hard Oil makes it suitable as a wiping topcoat and keeps the grain appearance as minimal as possible for processes such as pickling. Pickling wood requires some degree of grain blocking to minimize the tone of the wood coming through the white pickling agent, Murdoch’s Hard Oil doesn’t create too much of a barrier to be able to deposit the pickling material into the wood pore.
Product Stats
Solid: Urethane Alkyd & Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil
Solvent: DiCitrusol™ (Citrus based solvent)
Average Finish Longevity: 5-7 years
Spot Repairable: Varies
Sheen: Satin – Gloss
Coverage: (per gallon)
Coat 1= 600sqf
Coat 2= 800sqf
Coat 3= 1,000sqf
Coat 4= 1,000sqf
Dry Time: 24 hours per coat.
- wood species
- applications method
- weather conditions 55-75ºF
- temperature change during curing process
- humidity 65% or less
Please note: DO NOT decant Murdoch’s products into ENAMEL lined cans. Resin will react to the enamel and cause the finish to cloud up in the can. Storage Tips found HERE or use Stop Loss Bags (coming soon).
Best Used For: