Crema Di Calce 40 lbs - Aged over 11 years
40 Lbs, Aged over 11 years
MICRONIZED Lime Putty: This lime putty is slaked from high calcium quicklime lumps selected for highest purity and whiteness. It is ideal for producing the finest finishes like Fresco, Tonachino, Venetian plaster, Marmorino, Sgraffiato, Cocciopesto, Tadelakt, Lime paint or Lime wash.
Our Traditional Lime Putty is produced in Italy from 5" to 10" lumps of high purity calcitic limestone (CaO>98%). It is fired at low temperatures (<1000° C.) in indirect flame, natural draft, continious production vertical kilns fueled by wood waste from an adjoining lumber mill.
Color = bright white (L = >98)
pH = 12.4
Chemical composition: Ca(OH)2
Limestone Purity:
CaO = >98%
MgO = <0.10%
CO2 = 1.5%
SO3 = < 0.15 %
Impurities: (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3) = <0.5 %