D/2 Biological Solution - 5 Gallon Pail
D/2 Biological Solution - 5 Gallon Pail - Free spigot if you need one!
The large cap on the 5 gallon pails is very tight. If you do not have a faucet, we highly recommend adding the reusable faucet. Puncture the spot where the faucet screws in, and screw faucet into place. Otherwise, large pliers can be used to remove the entire cap.
D/2 Biological Solution is a biodegradable, easy to use liquid that removes stains from mold, algae, mildew, lichens and air pollutants. It is effective on marble, granite, limestone, brownstone, travertine, masonry, terra cotta, concrete, stucco, wood, and other architectural surfaces including monuments, sculpture and headstones. A contact time of only 10 to 15 minutes followed by scrubbing with a soft nylon or natural bristle brush will loosen most biological and air pollutant staining.
D/2 Biological Solution is effective for removing harmful biological and air pollutant staining from many building materials including masonry, marble, granite, limestone, brownstone, travertine, terra cotta, concrete, stucco, wood, canvas and vinyl & aluminum siding.
Check out all the of the users of D/2!: Including The White House, The Veterans Administration, and the Congressional Cemetery.